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Algoma Amateur Radio Club Meeting

                    June 6th.  2019


   Every night @ 9:00 PM
   146.34 / 94 MHz  ( FM )
       Twin Soo Mini Net
            10 Meter Net
         2 8 . 4 0 0  MHz 
  Saturday Night   10: PM
   (  Upper Side Band  )
               6 Meter Net
           Sunday  Night
             50.125  MHz
     After 9: PM   Mini Net
    (  Upper Side Band  )
+++++++++++++++++++++++++            D Star  Repeater
               V E 3 S N R
                  145. 210                                         
                    Sault  Ste  Marie  Gateway
Please Note


I had the privilege of recording the A A R C Meetings since spring of 2013. So... For the last 6 years I had a wonderful time doing it.


I would like to thank all the member of Algoma Amateur Radio Club for putting up with my camera in their faces.   I know it must have been quite an experience for every body, being video recorded and displayed on the internet and available for the whole world to see. Also being over the airways on Channel 59 every week end.


Now...   I am 82 years old and I find it difficult to keep up with the new technology. I need to replace the control room switcher with a new High Definition switcher.       Also... To keep up with the time. The transmitter is analog mode and I need to replace it with a new digital amateur television transmitter. 


Let's face it... There is a greater possibility of St.-Peter calling me in any time now.

Hey... I've been very bless up to now, but it is with great sadness that I have to let someone else carry on...

The internet pages will stay on the Web until it's time to renew. Then the Web pages will go into Memories.


I wish Algoma Amateur Radio Club and it's members the very Best of the Best and once again Thank You.


Sincerely yours

Rolland Jubinville


Note: Turn on sound with Speaker Icon

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Algoma Amateur Radio Club Meeting

                 May 2nd.  2019


        Please  Note​​

Note: Turn on sound with Speaker icon. 

Don't Forget to check out Dave Casler

Algoma Amateur Radio Club Will  Meet
             The First Thursday Of  
                     Each  Month   
               7:00 PM  to  9:00 PM
      Next Meeting will be at  City hall 
on Foster drive,  Sault Ste Marie  Ontario. 
 All Welcome

Just click on  Dave Casler up above in the header

Featuring Hamvention 2019.


This Is The A A R C 

      Official Crest 

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